ECRM BUYER/ SELLER INSIGHTS Trends, Data and Best Practices for Smarter Sourcing European Retailers & Distributors Find Food Innovation in Berlin At ECRM's European Food session, retailers and distributors met with suppliers from around the world. Crowdsourcing Category Insights with ECRM While ECRM sessions are great for product discovery, they are also a gold mine of category knowledge. ECRM + RangeMe The leading online product discovery platform is now a part of ECRM. Sign up now to connect with buyer or suppliers online, anytime! RangeMe Supplier Spotlight: A surprise discovery lands a private-label deal with Sprouts As a one-woman team, Missy Clay leveraged RangeMe to get her bath bomb line nationwide in Sprouts Farmers Market. ECRM's Donation Process Learn more about what happens when a session ends and product is left behind. Just Completed an EPPS? Make sure to access the Follow Up site for all of your meeting notes and product selections. Millennials are changing the way we eat—and what that means for suppliers This sprawling generation can be a demanding consumer, but they can also be loyal to brands that prove they are what they say they are, and provide products that meet their specific needs. Meal Kits Are Not in Decline: Debunking a Trendy Myth Meal kits are the fastest-growing channel in food across the U.S. Making Dreams Come True: Organic Candy Factory Makes a Sweet Deal with Hy-Vee When Piper Cochrane’s five-year-old daughter said she wanted to open a candy store, she didn’t try to brush off her little girl’s talk as a childhood fantasy that would never become a reality. |