Beauty and Wellness Marketing Trends
Learn more from Women's Marketing about the renewed interest in new age thinking is a natural fit with the wellness and beauty industries.
Product Showcase: European Beauty, Prestige and Health Care
Take a look at just some of the hottest products that will be showcased at the 2017 European Beauty, Prestige and Health Care Sessions.
Industry Trends: Euro Prestige Beauty & Perfume
Learn more about where the European prestige beauty and perfume industry is headed along with where there are opportunities for these categories to grow.
Industry Trends: Fragrance, Bath & Cosmetics
Get a high-level overview of where the fragrance, bath and cosmetics categories stand.
Snow Phipps Group Acquires ECRM
This strategic partnership will drive ECRM’s growth and continued commitment to delivering exceptional solutions for its clients.
Product Showcase: Health Care
Take a look at just some of the hottest products that will be showcased at the 2016 Health Care EPPS.