ECRM Personal Fitness Research Study
ECRM and healthy-living website HellaWella examine attitudes, perceptions and
buying habits of personal fitness equipment shoppers
Snow Phipps Group Acquires ECRM
This strategic partnership will drive ECRM’s growth and continued commitment to delivering exceptional solutions for its clients.
Influencer Marketing: Best Practices for Brands
In the past year, influencer marketing has exploded. Women's Marketing offers a few best practices for brands and influencers.
Expert Advice with Lily Chau of Staples Canada
Lily provides best practices for suppliers who are looking to start or who are currently doing business in Canada.
The Millennial Approach to Health & Wellness: 10 Amazing Facts
Learn more about how Millennials approach Health and Wellness according to Women's Marketing.
Product Showcase: Diet, Sports Nutrition & Vitamins
Take a look at just some of the hottest products that will be showcased at the 2016 Diet, Sports Nutrition & Vitamins Efficient Program Planning Session (EPPS) event.
Product Showcase: Personal Fitness
Take a look at just some of the hottest products that will be showcased at the 2016 Personal Fitness event.
Fashion Trends 2016
Take a look at the 2016 trends that will be seen at fashion retailers as predicted by Women's Marketing
Millennial Exercise Trends
Women's Marketing's Ann D'Adamo dives into the latest trends in exercise.
Walmart Pushes Preventive Care, Wellness
The retailer will hold a health fair across 4,400 stores this coming weekend.
Event Buzz: Electronics Retail Summit
From category blurring to new trends hitting the marketplace, find out what happened during the Electronics Retail Summit.
Event Buzz: Personal Fitness
An aging population and increasing healthcare costs are driving demand for home fitness products
Diet, Vitamin & Sports Nutrition Event Presentation Now Available
Slides from the general session on social media by Brad Nix, Partner of Brand Chorus