VIDEO PLAYLIST: Impulse, Front-End & Checklane EPPS 2/29/2016
During ECRM's Impulse, Front-End & Checklane EPPS Event, held earlier this month in Las Vegas, suppliers of products in the general merchandise, health & beauty care, and candy/snacks/beverages categories presented and reviewed new programs, marketing initiatives and promotional and cross merchandising opportunities for placement on endcaps, power panels/clipstrips, at checklane and other secondary locations.
- Excerpts from the general session on promotional trends by Traci Gregorski, SVP of Marketing for Market Track.
- Excerpts from the general session on Social Media, Storytelling, and Your Brand, by Martyn Tipping, CEO of TippingGardner
- Seven social storytelling strategy videos from TippingGardner's Martyn Tipping
- Supplier Showcase videos featuring product innovations from sellers at the event.
- Event insights from buyers at the event.