Brightfield Group | ECRM: Flu (Fighting) Season: Functional Beverages & Immunity  11/29/2022

With the help of the COVID-19 pandemic, immunity has transformed from merely a seasonal concern to a daily practice of wellness. Rather than waiting to get sick with this flu season, consumers are seeking ways to proactively expand their immune systems with an array of product types and ingredients.

Download Evergi’s Report, Flu (Fighting) Season: Functional Beverages & Immunity today to discover what's trending, and how the competitive landscape is shaping up. 

In this free report, you'll learn:

  • Who constitutes the immunity need state?
  • What immunity boosting ingredients consumers are seeking?
  • How are immunity boosting ingredients being used?
  • What health claims are consumers looking out for?
  • Which brands are standing out in the functional health space?

Click here to download the report.


Sarah Davidson

SVP of Grocery

Sarah Davidson is ECRM's SVP of Grocery, and can be reached at 440-542-3033

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