Understanding the Shopper's Need States at the Checkout  2/28/2020

Much has been written about the shopper’s need for a “frictionless experience” at checkout. Recent articles have focused on the need for speed “no waiting” and “technology as the solution”. Reduced wait time and ease of data input are certainly important elements of a solid customer experience at checkout.

However, what about the shopper’s personal need state for hydration, reward and hunger satisfaction? Why has the 6 billion dollar checkout category been largely absent in conversations surrounding a frictionless experience? Does frictionless need to include the elimination of a top 10 category in both large and small format stores?

Cam Cloeter, President & Founder of Impulse Marketing Company spoke with attendees at the recent Merchandising Solutions, Convenience and Impulse, Front-End & Checklane programs to provide insights on the shopper’s need states when checking out.  He explained how a true frictionless experience balances the efficient operational aspects with the availability of merchandise to meet the shopper personal “me moment”. He further explains, a balanced approach enhances the shopper’s experience and the financial performance of a very important category.

Click here to download the presenattion slides: Cam_Cloeter_Checkot_Presentation.pdf 

Click here to register for the 2021 ECRM Merchandising Solutions Program!


Sarah Davidson

SVP of Grocery

Sarah Davidson is ECRM's SVP of Grocery, and can be reached at 440-542-3033

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