Keeping Up with Video Demand: The New Era of Digital Shopping Habits  3/14/2022


These days, video is how people choose to consume content or make purchasing decisions. Simply put, the shopper experience has changed. Gone are the days of traditional in-store purchases and enter a new digital era, where consumers are rethinking their approach when purchasing. Retail mobile commerce sales hit $359.32 Billion in 2021, an increase of 15.2% over 2020. By 2025, retail mobile commerce sales should more than double to reach $728.28 Billion and account for 44.2% of retail ecommerce sales in the US.

Which is why your business needs top notch video content, including an arsenal of live-action footage to develop those videos. Specific to social media platforms, on average, a brand should switch out their videos every 4 - 6 weeks to avoid ad fatigue, ensuring your audience is informed, engaged, and entertained, all leading to the path of consumer purchase. That said, getting people to pay attention to what you’re saying is often difficult, especially with the flood of video content in the marketplace. Something like 500 hours of content is uploaded to YouTube every minute worldwide, Facebook, now Meta and Instagram see active users of 500 million per day looking at videos via stories, and TikTok has hit 100 million active monthly users, with 1 Billion videos being watched daily.

It simply isn’t sufficient to create a video for the sake of posting. It’s crucial to create videos with specific objectives and intent in mind, such as direct response, brand awareness, or education. Brands are now competing for the new digital shelf space, the social media shelf space, where it’s a race to see what brands can do it better. With that said, companies need to be able to produce attention-grabbing, entertaining videos that push the product or service, delivering your message to the 100s of millions of consumers watching. So, how do you get a video that people not only want to watch, but that will convert to sales? Where do you start to even begin to create this type of strategic content, with DreamItReel.

There are two main options for your business to choose from: build an in-house video production and creative team or outsource to a full-service global video and production company that creates high-quality videos at scale for brands and agencies worldwide. 

There are several advantages to leveraging an outsourced video powerhouse compared to building your own team in-house. While building your own in-house team is a great long-term investment, finding a good video production partner provides a ton of immediate value.  

Picture this, you have a great plan for the videos, you even have the copy/script ready. Now all you need is a team to take it to the next level. You could hire a video marketing specialist or train your team to make videos, and in six months or so, they might be ready to produce your ideas to a level you feel is acceptable, but what happens in those six months leading to the video launch? 

Save Time and Money
Alternatively, you could hire a video content and production company with a fantastic reputation, long-standing clients, known for their white-glove service, creating high-quality work, and get started right away. You’ll also save a considerable amount of money. You won’t need to purchase motion-specific equipment, such as cameras and lenses, which starts at around $10,000 per camera and lens combinations. Not to mention all the light- and sound equipment, let’s add another $20,000 on top. For editing, you’ll need software like Premiere Pro., DaVinci Resolve, or Final Cut X plus a high-powered computer to run it.

But none of this equipment is any good without people who know how to use it. So, you’ll need to hire a staff with video production experience. And even then, there’s a good chance that your first few videos still won’t look as good as they would have if you had hired an experienced and professional video content and production company. Another benefit of outsourcing is that you’re only paying for these skilled and experienced video creators while they’re working on a video.

Experience and Skill
Additionally, hiring a video content and production company with a proven track record of creating great content is like taking the fast lane to your video marketing goals. Why? Because they’ve got the skills and experience to know what works. From scripting and concepting down to editing and distribution, you’ll also save yourself the hassle of vetting, hiring, and training an in-house team. 

Best Practices and Current Trends
Video production companies are, through experience and research, aware of what works and what doesn’t. As a matter of necessity, they keep up to date with video-making trends and best practices. They know what works and what doesn’t and can help you figure out the best way to get your video noticed. Not only are they exceptionally well-versed in all facets of video production, but they’re also experienced in keeping up with today’s proliferation of social media and eCommerce platforms, taking your message and scaling it for every audience, in every ratio, with every copy variation while working on creative best practices, all within 3 - 5 business days. 

Access to Specialized Personnel and Skills 
Not all videos are alike, in reality, no one video should ever look the same as the next. That said, cohesive messaging is critical in having consumers recognize your product or service after viewing a multitude of your company's videos. Yet, videos are best to capture through live-action production, whereas others may request motion graphics, animation, or 3D. A reputable video content and production company has an arsenal of skills under their umbrella. 


Enter DreamItReel - the premiere, white glove, global video production company creating high-quality videos at scale for social and eCommerce platforms. With over 7,500+ videos created in over 30 countries, we can help you craft and deliver the right message and ensure its optimized for wherever the video will be distributed. Our teams of expert art directors, designers, animators, editors, copywriters, voiceover artists, and account managers ensure the entire creative process is seamless, scalable, and affordable. 

You can find DreamItReel at our upcoming Global Market: Spring Buying Days. If you are participating and would like to learn more, you can request a meeting with them today.

Editor's note: This article is sponsored content


Shari Levenson

Chief Growth Officer

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